Monday, January 2, 2006

Zilais Kalns (Zilaiskalns) Latvia Deciphered as Ancient Astronomy - LexiLine Journal 381

We were traveling in Latvia in October of last year and this renewed my interest in ancient Baltic megalithic sites.

I have added a new decipherment to our online LexiLine files at in the Baltic - Latvia Lithuania Estonia file at

Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) Latvia is a Planisphere of the Heavens ca. 3800 BC

It is my new astronomical decipherment of Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) in Latvia (written together as Zilaiskalns in modern orthography) which was sent to me by Dainis Ozolins in Latvia some months ago and which I just successfully deciphered on January 2 of 2006. See the website of Dainis Ozolins on Sacred Sites at

Zilaiskalns is located very close to and almost due south of the village of Kaulini (this author's namesake) and of Burtnieku Ezers, a large lake in Latvia whose name can be translated as "Lake of the Letterers" but also as "Lake of the Wisemen" or "Lake of the Sorcerers", because the Latvian word burt(s) means both "letter" but also "to practise magic", so that the art of writing in ancient days was seen as something special. Recall also that Latvian runā(t) means "speech, to talk", whence runes. But of course 6000 years ago there was no writing in the manner that we know it today, and instead, the patterns and symbols woven onto clothing were called - and still are called - raksti "writings". Hence, symbols were known, but not modern writing in the alphabetic sense.

According to my decipherment, Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) represents a planisphere (sky map) of the heavens which I date to ca. 3800 BC, a date which would mesh with my previous decipherments
and dating of sites at Lake Onega, Staraya Zalavruga and Vottovaara in Karelia which I have dated as far back as ca. 4000 BC....

In my view, these sites are among the oldest of such megalithic astronomical sites and the archaic Latvian epic-type verses, the Dainas (Lithuanian Dainos), relate to the ancient astronomical pantheon which these megalithic sites once represented. Indeed, many ancient myths and legends, especially relating to the solar celebration of Midsummer, the calendric feast in Latvia called Līgo Svētki, and still celebrated today, center around Zilais Kalns (see in this regard Latvijas Ceļvedis, ISBN 9984-07-366-1, p. 195, as also at and also

In the Baltic all of these ancient elements find their confluence: megalithic sites, ancient verse mythology, very ancient dress, ancient traditions and ancient customs, and an archaic state of Indo-European language. These were then spread - primarily by seafaring voyage from the Scandinavian Baltic (Balto-Scandia) - to other parts of the world. At least, that is my theory.

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