Monday, January 16, 2006

Devil's Tower Pleiades Wyoming USA - LexiLine Journal 383

Diane Lasater (, a new member of Lexiline, wrote to me that she was reviewing our LexiLine files at and had come across the ArdriStone in Carlow County, Ireland, which I identified through the "rifling" of the stone as the Pleiades, as also the rifled Tuilyies Stane in Fife, Scotland which I also identified as the Pleiades.

Her comment is as follows:
"I can't image a stone more "rifled" than Devil's Tower, a gigantic basalt cone just west of here, and it too is associated with the Pleiades in Indian legend. Some Indian legends have it as Bear Rock, the gashes made by the giant claws of the bear in pursuit of the sisters who, were lifted higher and higher as the rock rose into the sky where they became the Pleiades. Some say that the cone is a tree that rose into the sky, but the rifling seems always to have been left by the claws of the giant bear."
Well, I was astounded by this message and found a website by an astronomer online from the Canadian National Research Council at

who writes as follows:
"The Pleiades are culturally important. They are mentioned in the Bible and in historical writings from many countries. In a legend of the Kiowa Nation, they are associated with Mateo Tepe, the Devil's Tower, in Wyoming. This volcanic plug, made of basalt columns, was made famous in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Seven maidens were pursued by giant bears, so the Great Spirit created the tower for them to take refuge. The vertical grooves on the tower are the claw marks made by the bears. Afterwards the girls were placed in the sky. The Pleiades are associated with Hallowe'en and All Saints Day. The night the Pleiades lie due south at midnight is traditionally the date of the Witches Sabbath. The Pleiades are even used as a logo by a car manufacturer."
To see some magnificent photos of Devil's Tower, just plug that term into your search engine and look for the images.

I am quite personally pleased of course because this is additional evidence - previously unknown to me - that my decipherments of the megaliths are correct, but be sure to look at photos of this stone online if you have never seen it. It is quite magnificent.

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