Saturday, March 11, 2006

Egyptian Heaven and Earth - Judah Jews - LexiLine Journal 395

I received the following question from a reader of one of my websites:
"According to Gerald Massey -

The land of Judea or Judah was named in Egyptian.
It appears upon the monuments as Іuta or Ιutah. Іu is dual, ta is earth or land, and Іuta is the double land or double earth of the Egyptian mythos localized in Judea. The dual kingdom of Judea was derived by name from the dual deity Іu, whose followers in Egypt were the Ιus, Iews, or Jews, and given to Joseph in the persons of his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh."

Just wondering if you have any idea what monuments Massey was writing about (in 1907)?"
Here was the answer that I wrote:

I found Massey's text on the internet at

Many monuments have hieroglyphs of the two lands (this is a bar-type hieroglyph with three dots below it, to which is added the dual hieroglyph, or the bar is shown doubled). The question here is one of the proper reading. If I had known Massey's reading, I would have included it at my LexiLine webiste, page

In my opinion, the "two lands" signify heaven and earth and a ruler is thus the ruler of the two lands as "ruler on earth, under heaven". Since the Egyptians followed the hermetic, gnostic tradition, there was an earthly comparable to the two lands, where KEMET = Latvian ZEMITE "earth" and THEBES = Latvian DEBESS "heaven", i.e. lower and upper Egypt respectively.

As far as the Jews are concerned, we have to keep JUDAH and JUDEA separate, otherwise we have confusion. The location of Judea is clear, since this was the name that the Romans gave to "the Jewish land"
after EXODUS, which we today call Israel. However, JUDAH is simply not the same, since it is separate from Israel. Here is what I have written at the LexiLine website although the material below includes some amendments:

SHIHOR or SCHIHOR in Joshua 13,3 defines a water "flowing before Egypt".
Isaiah 23,3 mentions Shihor in connection with the Nile.

I Chronicles 13,5 states: the Kingdom of David (!) extended from the Shihor of Egypt to the road to Hamat (the land of the Hittites).

In Egyptian sources Shihor was the waters of the Nile Delta together with Lake Fajum (Fayyum) INTO WHICH the ancient channel of the Nile flowed (today this is the canal Bahr Yusuf = Biblical Beersheba,
i.e. Bahr yu-SUF, since Sivan says the yu is added) and Hellenistic sources say it WAS an arm of the Nile.
Scholars think that the Kingdom of David, i.e. Judah, ended at what is modern (non-biblical) Beersheba in current Israel.

This is the greatest historical
geographic error ever committed. Judah included FAY-YUM. (David is thus Pharaoh Sethos, Ramses II is King Solomon and Ramses III is Shishak - whence the Syrian migdol built at Luxor during his reign).

In Exodus this is Hebrew JAM SUF "the sea of reeds"
which can ONLY be Fayyum (the only sea of reeds in Egypt) and SUF is the place where Moses repeated "the law" to the children of Israel.

Judah and were only 2 of the 12 tribes of the Hebrews and the other 10 tribes rebelled (this is Israel, as Latvian Izrauji means rebels and is first found on the stela of Merenptah in this meaning) at the time of Rehoboam (Merenptah, same as Siptah) and Jerobeam (Priam).

When we speak in modern times about Israel and the Jews, we have completely FORGOTTEN about Judah
which in fact is the more important of the two historically.

Judah was in fact Idj-taui (=Ju-dah). This was the Nile Delta, Per-Ramses, the home of the Hebrews in what we "today" call EGYPT, where the first temple of Solomon was located and recently found (1999) - in my opinon - by Archaeologist Edgar Pusch of the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim, Germany).

JUDAH in hieroglyphic writing is symbolized
by the raised cobra hieroglyph, DJD.

Judah's geographical boundaries extended from Hebron (city of the unification of Judah and Israel)
to the "Brook of Egypt" = The Nile arm at Fayyum and to Beer Es Sebua = Bahr Yusuf - the ancient channel
of the Nile into Fayyum.

As we see from Massey's analysis at the start of this posting, we have a near match of interpretations.

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