Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wayland' Smithy Revised Decipherment - LexiLine Journal 495

In the course of reconstruction of the pages at (in this case the home page - the rest will follow), I had cause to revise my decipherment of the megaliths of Wayland's Smithy, the first megalithic site deciphered by me in the year 2002.

In the intervening six years and hundreds if not thousands of megalithic sites later, a lot more experience in decipherment of the megaliths has come to bear on megalithic site interpretation and a revision was unavoidable. The revised decipherment does not change my decipherment of the megaliths in the United Kingdom in any way, but it does assign different stars to some of the stones.

The revised decipherement has been uploaded to our LexiLine files at
waylandssmithydeciphermentnew2008.png (the graphic below)

There are more interesting things ahead in terms of new decipherments.
I have many already waiting on my hard disk, and I just have to find the time to put them to print.

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