Sunday, August 20, 2006

Chinese Neolithic Stone Carving of Big Dipper (Ursa Major) Discovered - LexiLine Journal 425

The Xinhua News Agency reported on August 16, 2006 that a Neolithic stone carving of the stellar constellation of the "Big Dipper" (Ursa Major) has been discovered in China on Baimiaozi Mountain near Chifeng City in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

They write as follows:
"Neolithic Stone Carving of Big Dipper Discovered 2006-08-17 11:16:01 Xinhua News Agency


[Image of the cupmarks identified as Ursa Major at ]

A neolithic stone carving of the Big Dipper star formation has been found on Baimiaozi Mountain near Chifeng City in northwest China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, according to experts.
The stone carving was discovered by Wu Jiacai, a 50-year-old researcher in literature and history with Wongniute Banner of Inner Mongolia. Wu found a large yam-shaped stone, 310 centimeters long, onto which 19 stars had been carved. The representation of the Big Dipper is on the north face of the stone. The stars are represented by indentations in the stone. The biggest indentation is 6 centimeters in diameter and 5 centimeters deep, said Wu. "The stone was carved by neolithic dwellers," said Gai Shanlin, researcher with the Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (IMICRA) and an expert in stone carving. The carving style proves this, said Gai. Astronomers' conjectures about the shape of the Big Dipper some ten thousand years ago also match the carving.
[Image of the stone at]

"Finding a stone carving in China`s desert hinterland is a rare occurrence," said Tala, director of IMICRA, who said it might help prove how ancient celestial bodies evolved.
Apart from the Big Dipper, Wu also found some "unexplained images" on the stone. He thinks they may depict ancient gods, such as the god of the sun and the god of horses. Further study would be needed to determine when the pictures were painted. Many neolithic jade articles from the Hongshan Culture -- such as a dragon with a pig's mouth and a cloud-shaped pendant -- have already been unearthed around Baimiaozi Mountain. The Hongshan Culture was an aboriginal culture that existed in northern China about 6000 years ago. Tala believes the discovery will contribute to knowledge about the origin and spread of Hongshan Culture. (Xinhua News Agency August 16, 2006)"
This discovery fits in with the ancient hermetic system of land survey by astronomy discovered by Andis Kaulins in China (see Stars Stones and Scholars), according to which the Great Wall of China marks the Milky Way as the Dragon of Heaven and where e.g. Yumen marks Gemini at the West end of the Great Wall and Shanhaikuan and this region of China mark the Head of the Azure Dragon (Tang Shay) in the East.

Baimiaozi Mountain near Chifeng City in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located near the area where the eastern part of the Great Wall of China ends and many other ancient artefacts have been found in this region.

As we write in our book, this is ALL ancient astronomy, and we are glad to see that at least Chinese astronomers have recognized the cupmarks on the rock drawings as marking stars of the sky, as we have alleged all along for years.

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