Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ancient Survey of Brazil by Astronomy - LexiLine Journal 413

In the previous posting, I referred to a new megalithic discovery in Brazil, which I identified as part of an ancient geodetic survey line, made by astronomy.

I can now add additional information. The megaliths were found 16 kilometers from Calçoene, NW of Amapa and indeed giving a straight line from Nazca and Machupicchu, at least on my map of Brazil in my Encyclopaedia Britannica.

But that is not all. More astounding things can be reported, based on my research of the last couple days.

A line drawn from Calcoene to Sao Raimundo Nonato - near the famed rock art (petroglyphs) in PARQUE NACIONAL DA SERRA DA CAPIVARA (Serra da Capivara National Park, managed by Fumdham (Fundação Museu do Homem Americano - The Museum of American Man Foundation), and the especially well-known Boqueirao de Pedra Furada - marks a ca. 90 degree angle and a line then drawn from Nazca through Sao Raimundo Nonato and extended toward the Atlantic Ocean stops at the most easterly point of land on the entire Americas, Joao Pessoa, near which there is the largest megalith in Brazil, one with writing on it of unknown provenance, the Inga Rock (also called Inga Stone, Pedras do Ingá, Itacoatiaras do Ingá).

The government website of Brazil writes about Paraiba:
"In the interior of the state, 120 kilometres from João Pessoa, lies Campina Grande, the second largest city of Paraíba in terms of population, where one of the biggest June festivals is held. St John's Night, on 24 June, is commemorated in the Parque do Povo, an area of 42,000 m2 - half the size of Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Decked out in flags and with bonfires everywhere, the city of 326,000 inhabitants receives an average of 400,000 tourists from all over Brazil and abroad. Campina Grande also offers scientific adventure. 40 kilometres from the city centre are the Pedras do Ingá, stones bearing inscriptions of great archaeological value. Surrounded in mystery, they form with the Valley of the Dinosaurs an important paleontological site."
And furthermore the government site writes about the Paleontological Site:
"The town of Sousa, situated in the Paraíba outback, 480 kilometres from the capital, is the location for the Valley of the Dinosaurs, considered to be an important world paleontological site, with footprints of Jurassic species at least 70 million years old. The vestigial prints form a path along the banks of the Peixe river, where iguanodontus and alossaurus lived millennia ago.

At Ingá, 96 kilometres from the capital João Pessoa, inscriptions carved into the rocks known as Pedras or Itacoatiaras do Ingá arouse the curiosity of scientists, students and tourists. Surrounded in mystery even today, the ancient inscriptions are indecipherable symbols, but of great archaeological value. There are three schools of thought about their origin: they were written by natives of the region; they are a manifestation of an evolved culture from another continent; or they are even a message from extraterrestrials on a visit to this planet.
Of course, we should immediately discard the last explanation of those three and look at the other two. Interesting is that the nearby city of Campina Grande is the national site for celebration of the Summer Solstice on St. John's Day. An ancient feast.

A page on enigmas online writes about Peabiru and Inga Rock:
"As inscrições encontradas em Ingá na Paraíba( foto abaixo), constituem o verdadeiro modelo das inscrições atribuidas ao SUMÉ. As lendas contam que Sumé, o civilizador dos índios tupi, perseguido pelos tupinambás, foi para o Paraguai e dali para o Peru. Durante esta caminhada, teria aberto uma estrada que ficou conhecida entre nossos indígenas como PEABIRU, ou o CAMINHO DA MONTANHA DO SOL. Um arqueólogo brasileiro reconstituiu recentemente o caminho seguido pelo Sumé, encontrando dezenas de marcos. A existência do Peabiru parece confirmar que existiu um intercâmbio entre os indígenas do Brasil e do Peru.A questão de que o tipo branco na América pré-colombiana tem preocupado os pesquisadores e estudiosos."
That is Portuguese, and the Google Translate translation (the best of several that we tried online) is as follows into English:
"The inscriptions found in Inga Paraiba (pictured below), are the very model of entries assigned to the sume. The legends say that Sumé, the civilizing of the Tupi, pursued by tupinambás, went to Paraguay and then to Peru. During this journey, he opened a road that became known among our peoples as PEABIRU, or WAY SUN MOUNTAIN. An Australian archaeologist recently reconstructed the path followed by Sumé, finding dozens of landmarks. The existence of Peabiru seems to confirm that there was an exchange between the natives of Brazil and Peru. The question that the white guy in the pre-Columbian America has worried researchers and scholars." notes:
"According to American Cyrus Gordon and French Gabriela Martin, the "itacoatiaras" on Pedra Lavada farm, in Ingá, Paraíba, are the most important pre-historical inscriptions among the ones that haven't been thoroughly studied yet. Still not deciphered, they represent a precious archaeological monument. Of unknown origin, it's possible to have been carved by Indians, Phoenicians, or other peoples. They are 70 km away from João Pessoa and 40 km from Campina Grande, on a 24m-high and 3m-wide boulder, surrounded by gneiss blocks strangling a river. It's being studied by scientists from all over the world. "
The Legendary Times, which at the moment provides much more solid information online about the Inga megalithic site than mainstream archaeology, shows a very good photograph and describes Inga Rock as follows:
"Description: Pictures in rock, with carbon 14 data around 5.000 years old. [This dating is significant, i.e. ca. 3000 BC]
Object size: 230 tons
City: Inga, Paraiba
Country: Brazil
Location: This rock is in the Paraiba state, NE from Brazil. Around 80 km from Joao Pessoa, state capital.
Photographer: David Nobrega
Date: 10-28-2005
uploaded by david nobrega

Meanwhile well known by tourists are the rock inscriptions of Paraíba, Brasil (about 60 miles from the city of João Pessoa, near the "Chapada da Borborema" mountains). One single rock, the "Stone of Inga" ("Pedra do Inga") ist about 4 meters hight and 24 meters long. Probably about 10.000 years old the rock is full of strange figures and symbols. What is the meaning of the drawings? Do they have parallels to other inscriptions or petroglyphs in other parts of South America? Other rock paintings in this area are younger, like those of Pianí (Varzea Grande) which were made 8.000 years ago and those discovered in Minas Gerais, which are 4.000 years old."
I think we are on pretty firm ground in seeing all of these sites, including Inga Rock, Nazca, Machupicchu and Calcoene as geodetic markers, placed by the ancients as part of their land survey of South America by astronomy.

I have some decipherments of the applicable rock art nearly finished and will be uploading them in the coming weeks. These decipherments will date these megalithic sites and rock art to ca. 3000 B.C. and will show them to be astronomy. In addition, we will add some new analysis toward a solution of the mystery of the constellation of the fox at newly discovered sites such as Buena Vista in Peru and we will in fact show rock art in Brazil which has the fox conclusively drawn on stone in relief, whereby we will be able to suggest the part of the sky which the constellation of the fox actually represented originally.

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