Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Horus Challenge to Egyptology and Astronomy - Lexiline Journal 367

The Horus Challenge (October 16, 2005)

I consider myself the founder of a new school of archaeology which I call "evidentiary archaeology." See

Any Egyptologist or Astronomer is welcome to debate my findings in my article on the Cult of Horus. The rules are: no ad hominem argumentation (i.e. no personal attacks), no insults, and no other arguments violating the standard rules of logical discourse.

For example, just because Professor so-and-so wrote such-and-such does not mean it is true, nor is it evidence that a given proposition is more likely true. Anyone posting materials to LexiLine containing such banal argumentation will find their articles not posted at all or will find that the offending argumentation has been stricken and postings reduced to substantive content.

The only thing that counts in argumentation here is EVIDENCE, something in law called the "preponderance of evidence". What historical materials and facts do we have at our disposal and how are these to be interpreted? That is all that counts.

In this regard, see this discourse on "truth":

THREE WEEKS LATER (November 8, 2005) ...

The Unanswered Horus Challenge

It has now been three weeks, and - perhaps predictably - no Egyptologist or Astronomer has had the knowledge required to come forth and attempt to counter the analysis I have made in my posting on the Origin of the Cult of Horus in Predynastic Egypt.

Just imagine what it would mean for our current conceptions of the History of Astronomy and the History of Ancient Egypt if my basic analysis is correct - which I am convinced it is.

Both the Egyptologists and the Astronomers have overlooked the ancient astronomical connection to the history of civilization, and in so doing, they have badly bungled the mainstream version of man's ancient history. What we read about Predynastic Egypt in mainstream Egyptology books - is fiction to the degree that it does not understand that this culture was a culture of ancient astronomers.

We will continue here on LexiLine to get it right in the hopes that the younger generation of Egyptologists and Astronomers will be able to throw off the shackles of current Egyptological superstition in established academic circles.

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