Friday, March 18, 2005

Astronomical Axe of Lamao Village, Qinghai China - LexiLine Journal 338

As reported on March 12, 2005, at the Xinhua news website at

Chinese archaeologists have found and correctly identified an axehead from Lamao Village, Qunghai, China, as being astronomical and dating to ca. 3000 BC.

According to the news report,
"Liu Baoshan, head of the Qinghai Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute, said seven holes on the stone knife clearly form the Big Dipper and another three holes form [part of] Altair."
Congratulations, men of China, on the identification of Ursa Major, but the identification of Altair in Aquila is wrong.

We have uploaded a corrected decipherment chinaaxelamaoqinghai.png [the graphic below]

to the China file in our LexiLine files online at

We have made appropriate corrections based upon our long experience with these matters, adding Ursa Minor, as the ancients regarded star HIP47193 to be important, Cygnus, where only the front four stars are taken, Lyra with Vega, and with the two large holes marking the North Ecliptic and Celestial Poles. By their position with respect to Ursa Major the axe can in fact be dated to ca. 3000 BC.

Hat Tip to Stone Pages
and to
Coast to Coast with Goerge Noory at

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