Saturday, January 24, 2004

Lituanus and Ancient Languages - 247 LexiLine Journal

The following LITUANUS Linguistics Index by author with links to all
of the below articles
is found at (at that site, firsts click
Search, then click Linguistics at the subsequent page). This is
important stuff for the history of the Indo-European languages.

"Did the 'Indo-Europeans' Collide with 'Pre-Indo-Europeans'?"
Alfred Bammesberger

"Homage to Lithuania: My Trip to Vilnius and Kaunas" Alfred

"The Semiotics of A. J. Greimas: An Introduction" Marvin Katilius-

"How I Became the Editor of this Dictionary" Professor Kazimieras
Būga. Translated by A. T. K.

"The First Description of the Latvian Debitive Mood" Trevor G.

"Some Remarks About Simonas Vaišnoras' Žemčiūga Teologiška or
Margarita Theologica" Gordon B. Ford Jr.

"Some Remarks About Jonas Kruopas' 1947 Edition of Martynas
Mažvydas' Catechism of 1547" Gordon B. Ford Jr.

"Pre-Christian Name Giving in Lithuania" K. A. Girvilas

"Language and Decolonization: a Latvian Perspective" Karl E. Jirgens

"Baltic and Slavic Revisited" Antanas Klimas

"Studies on Word Formation in Lithuanian (1944 1974)" Antanas

"430 Years of Lithuanian Books: Editorial Introduction" Antanas

"Kazimieras Būga and the Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian" Antanas

"The Newest Lithuanian Spelling Reform" Antanas Klimas

"Some Unsolved Riddles of Lithuanian Linguistics" Antanas Klimas

"Some Unique Features of Lithuanian" Antanas Klimas

"Some Remarks on the Lithuanian Reflexive Verbs" Antanas Klimas

"The Lithuanian Participles: Their System and Functions" Antanas

"Professor Wolfgang P. Schmid and his Trojan Horse" Antanas Klimas

"Some Remarks on Idioms" Antanas Klimas

"A Few More Remarks on Idioms" Antanas Klimas

"The Anglicization of Lithuanian" Antanas Klimas

"A Few Remarks on the Lithuanian Vocative" Antanas Klimas

"Reflexive Nouns in Lithuanian" Antanas Klimas

"Prefixes and Suffixes in the Lithuanian Verbal System" Antanas

"A Few Remarks on the Number Category of the Lithuanian Nouns"
Antanas Klimas

"Two Kinds of Passive Voice in Lithuanian" Antanas Klimas

"The Future to Express the Past: A Strange Case in Lithuanian" -
Antanas Klimas

"Uniformity and Change: a Case in Lithuanian Accentuation" Antanas

"Issues in Standardizing Lithuanian Sign Language" Dainora

"The Self, the Familiar and the Other in the Narrative Structure of
American Lithuanian" Jolanta Macevičiūtė

"To Celebrate Pavel Trost's 65th Birthday" Jiři Marván

"Baltic and Indo-European Ergative" Jiři Marván

"Two Linguistic Myths: Balto-Slavic and Common Baltic" Harvey E.

"Was Slavic a Prussian Dialect?" Harvey E. Mayer

"Aspiration and Native Baltic Forms" Harvey E. Mayer

"Prussian, an Aboriginal Ā-Language?" Harvey E. Mayer

"North Baltic" Harvey E. Mayer

"Baltic Diglossia in Lithuanian" Harvey E. Mayer

"Tokharian and Baltic versus Slavic and Albanian" Harvey E. Mayer

"Dacian and Thracian as Southern Baltoidic" Harvey E. Mayer

"The Origins of Pre-Baltic" Harvey E. Mayer

"Reflexes of Indo-European Syllabic Resonants in Baltic, Slavic, and
Albanian" Harvey E. Mayer

"Slavic, a Balticized Albanian?" Harvey E. Mayer

"West Baltic Latvian / East Baltic Lithuanian" Harvey E. Mayer

"Slavic Archaic / Baltic Archaic" Harvey E. Mayer

"East Baltic Influence on West Baltic" - Harvey E. Mayer

"South Baltic" - Harvey E. Mayer

"Balts and Carpathians" Harvey E. Mayer

"Aorist or Future" Harvey E. Mayer

"Causative Construction in Lithuanian" Chien-Ching Mo

"A Case Grammar Approach to Verb Classification in Modern
Lithuanian" Chien-Ching Mo

"A Case Grammar Analysis of the Lithuanian Predicate Nominal" Chien-
Ching Mo

"The Lithuanian Language - Hostage of Foreign Powers: 1940-1991"
Arnoldas Piročkinas

"Changing Perspectives on the Changes in the Lithuanian Language"
Janina K. Rėklaitis

"The Martynas Mažvydas Catechism of 1547" Alfonsas Šešplaukis

"Jonas Kazlauskas' Contribution to Lithuanian Linguistics" William
R. Schmalstieg

"The Founder of Baltic Philology: Adalbert Bezzenberger" William R.

"Tokharian and Baltic" William R. Schmalstieg

"Lithuanian Dialect Nominative Plurals in -aus and -eis" William R.

"The Origin of the Lithuanian Language" William R. Schmalstieg

"Standard Lithuanian and its Dialects" William R. Schmalstieg

"Early Lithuanian Grammars" William R. Schmalstieg

"From Donelaitis to Jablonskis" William R. Schmalstieg

"Lithuanian Names" William R. Schmalstieg

"An Etymology of the Word 'to fear' in Indic, Baltic and Slavic"
William R. Schmalstieg

"The Old Prussian, Latvian and Lithuanian Verbal Conjugations"
William R. Schmalstieg

"A Note on Juozas Blačikonis' Contribution to the Standardization of
Lithuanian" William R. Schmalstieg

"Congratulations to an Important Friends of Baltic Studies: The One-
Hundredth Volume of Kuhns Zeitschrift" William R. Schmalstieg

"More About Professor Jonas Kazlauskas" William R.Schmalstieg

"Lithuanian Verbs with the Infinitive Suffixes -in- and -y-" William
R. Schmalstieg

"The Origin of the Lithuanian Half-Participle" William R. Schmalstieg

"Lithuanian Participles in the Nominative Case as the Modifier of
the Phrase Subject" William R. Schmalstieg

"To the Memory of Professor Antanas Salys" William R. Schmalstieg

"Baudouin de Courtenay's Contribution to Lithuanian Linguistics"
William R. Schmalstieg

"Some Comments on New Volumes of the Lithuanian Academy Dictionary" -
William R. Schmalstieg

"Martynas Mažvydas and John Wycliffe: An English Connection?"
William R. Schmalstieg

"The Duration of the Long Vowels as a Perceptual Cue in Lithuanian"
Marc L. Schnitzer

"Conference on Baltic Studies in Stockholm" [Opening Speech by the
Prime Minister of Sweden]

"Three Models of Standard Written Lithuanian Language in the 19th
Century: J. A. Pabrėža, J. Čiulda, S. Daukantas" Giedrius Suba=

"The Errors of Martynas Mažvydas" - Giedrius Subačius

"The Linguistic Russification of Titular Baltic Nationalities" Algis

"Similes in Lithuanian Folk Proverbs" Juozas Tininis

"Expressing Cause by Means of Prepositions in Modern Lithuanian"
Elena Valiulytė

"Three Lithuanian City Names: PRIEKULĖ, RIETAVAS, SUBAČIUS"
Aleksandras Vanagas

"Baltic Studies in Australia" Jonas Zdanys

"What's 'instant coffe' in Latvian?" Valdis J. Zeps

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