Sunday, February 9, 2003

LexiLine Journal #149 - 2003 : Malta Skorba Deciphered as Stars just above and to the right of Musca



I have added the file

to our files on Malta at

showing that the Temple of Skorba on Malta represents stars above

Not all of the representations of stars at Malta find comparables in
our modern constellations. Skorba, which is just to the right and
above Ta'Hagrat on Earth also represents the stars above Musca just
to the right and above of Musca (which Ta'Hagrat represents).

I personally think that SKORBA is the same as Indo-European e.g.
Latvian SKUDRA "ant" and that this temple shows an ant carrying a
load over its head. A SCORPion here is also possible from the name
SKORBA rather than an ant, but does the figure show that?

Be this as it may, the stars are clear, with the head of the ant (or
other insect) as lambda Centauri, the eyes as HIP 55779 and HIP
54461 with the nose at HIP 54301 and the mouth at HIP 55597 and HIP
54767. The load is marked by the arc of stars at HIP 57175, HIP
56986, HIP 56754 and HIP 56612. The body of the ant is formed by the
stars HIP 57669, HIP 58427, theta1-Crucis, theta2-Crucis and eta-
Crucis with a tail (?) at HIP 59991 and HIP 59111. Note again that
the Galactic Equator is taken as a clear dividing line for the

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