Thursday, August 1, 2002

LexiLine Journal #18 - 2002 : Stonehenge Megaliths #2



After posting this e-mail, I will be uploading the following new´Stonehenge files to the LexiLine Files at [new URL:]

which you can view at the above URL:

stonview.gif - Stonehenge Megalith Overview
sa213029.gif - Sarsens 2, 1, 30, 29
sar76543.gif - Sarsens 7, 6, 5, 4, 3
sarsen3.gif - Sarsen 3 front and back
sarsen4.gif - Sarsen 4 close-up of face
sars2122.gif - Sarsens 21 and 22
sars2728.gif - Sarsens 27 and 28
sarb2829.gif - Sarsens 28, 29 backsides
tril5354.gif - Trilithons 53 and 54
trilit56.gif - Trilithon 56
tril5758.gif - Trilithons 57 and 58

The Stonehenge megaliths not specifically listed above are identified at the overview graphic, stonview.gif

Essentially, the uploaded files show the following identifications, as you can see at stonview.gif, starting at the front middle and moving left in a circle:
(S = Sarsen and T = Trilithon)

T54 = Top stars of Scorpio
T53 = Back stars of Scorpio
Large Fallen Trilithon = Sagittarius
T56 = Capricorn
S16 = Aquarius
T57 = Andromeda and Cassiopeia (Pisces)
T58 = Triangulum and Aries
T60 = Taurus
S28 = Auriga, Orion (back side points to Serpens Caput)
S29 = Canis Major (Gemini)
S30 = Cancer
S1 and S2 = Hydra
T52 = Boötes
T51 = Virgo and Coma Berenices
S3 = Ursa Major (back side points to Cygnus and Aquila)
S4 = Leo
S5 = Corvus
S6 = Virgo
S7 = Boötes
S10 = Corona Borealis
S11 = Serpens Caput

I am not sure that all identifications are "exactly" correct, since the system used here - my discovery - is found also in the 42 Nomes of Egypt and Sumer. You had 30 Moon Stations and 12 Zodiacal "solar" stations for a total of 42. Theoretically, each station would have its "own" identity as a constellation, so there should actually be no overlaps.

There will be more forthcoming, whenever I get it finished....

As for the number have to read the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams for a somewhat different rendition of this number, which is...but then...that is the secret of the book....

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