Friday, April 12, 2002

LexiLine Journal #4 - 2002 : German Magdalenian Planisphere



I have made some astounding discoveries about megalithic and prehistoric sites in Germany in recent weeks.

To start, I am uploading the most spectacular first, a stone preserved under the pumice from a volcano eruption ca. 11000 BC at Maria Laach - near Koblenz, Germany and near the Magdalenian sites of Andernach near Koblenz and Gönnersdorf near Neuwied (other side of the Rhine).

This upload is rhineman.tif

I have been able to decipher this stone, showing it to be a planisphere of the heavens which I date [very speculatively, of course] to 11000 BC, at a time when the summer solstice point was at the base of the division of the Milky Way into two legs near Aquila and Serpens Cauda. The "joining" area of the two legs of the Milky Way is at Deneb in Cygnus.

This is the oldest planisphere - by my astronomical decipherment dates - that I have deciphered.

The stone has led to further astonishing observations about the history of mankind's astronomy. [These are speculative etymologies !]


An eagle marks the constellation of Hercules on this stone. Now, in Latvian an EAGLE is ERGLIS = HERCULES. This must be the original name - are we dealing here with the early
prehistoric stage in the observation of the heavens ca. 11000 BC?


A woman marks the position of CEPHEUS at the "head" of the Milky Way. This is astonishing. The man is across the way at Lacerta.

This supports Gimbutas who argued that the Indo-Europeans were originally matriarchal.


CYGNUS is represented by an OWL and Deneb marks an obvious spot at the point where the two legs of the Milky Way join - next to which the ancients have also placed the corresponding male counterpart. In Latvian an OWL is called a PUCE, a word homophonic to many similar
terms, especially since Latvian PUSE means "half" and PUSHU- means division.

However, the name CYGNUS seems to be the same as Latvian SIK-SPARNIS and is applied as a name for the nocturnal "bat", so that what I first saw as an owl in the stone may in fact be a bat. We must recall that the ancients lived in caves and bats would have been a very well known phenomenon of the night, well suited to personify this location in the Milky Way of Stars.

SCORPIO = (s)CARP - fish

SCORPIO here - very old indeed - is clearly a s(CARP) i.e. a Carp fish - later confused with Akrab - the crab - for the ancient Turks called Scorpio Uzun Koirughi "long-tailed".

It was in fact known early in India as Kaurpya. The name is surely
retained in similar form in the name of the star Graffias (by

The Arabs called their 15th manzil Iklial al Jabhah, the Crown of the
Forehead, as we saw in the Maya Mask, but this is of course a much
more modern version, as we now see.

DRACO Drac-o = Latvian ZiRGa, i.e DZIRGa "of the horse"

The Magdalenians are known to have been primarily hunters of horses, but it is still absolutely astonishing to me that there is a horse between Cepheus and Hercules, making the original Draco of heaven a horse.

This now explains why the Latvian Dainas are full of material about God's horse in the heavens and its saddle, which I had always thought meant Pegasus, without this location however fitting the content of the verses in the Dainas.

This also explains the origin of the term DRACO, coming from ancient Indo-European e.g. Latvian ZIRGAS "horse" (Mongolian AZIRGAS) which must have been a fricative DZIRG- to begin with and then evolved to DIRG- , DRAC-o. Ancient etymologies of Draco thought it meant "swift" (see Richard Hinckley Allen, p. 203) and this can now be confirmed as correct, for Latvian ZHIRG-tas "swift that" is the same as horse "ZIRG-". The ancients saw the turning of the heavens from night to day and back as "swift".

Interesting also is that the entire heavens is represented - humorously it seems - on the stone as a sort of personified axe-head with a mouth and nose at Aquila, the tip of the head at Cassiopeia (the crown), the back head at Hercules and Ophiuchus and the bottom at the point between Sagittarius and Scoprio which marked the Summer Solstice - here the beak of bird of some kind - probably a hen since Latvian VIS-ta "hen" is like Latvian VAS-ara "summer". Humankind took their axes very seriously in those days as their major tool.

All of this is absolutely remarkable to say the least. It left me - to some degree - speechless.
Astronomy ca. 3000 BC is something we can all fathom. But this kind of astronomical sophistication already in 11000 BC is another thing.

But of course, this is all VERY speculative and needs some corroboration from other sources to have any value at all.

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