Sunday, March 31, 2002

LexiLine Journal #2 - 2002 : LexiLine Files




The LexiLine Files of the LexiLine Journal are available only to members of the LexiLine List Newsletter.


A. Africa (for Egypt see Egypt) - Megaliths Rock Art
1. SaharaAfrica - Rock Drawings and Megaliths of the Sahara
- nabta.gif - Nabta Egypt Taurus Pleiades Vernal Equinox 3117 BC
- sahara.gif - Sahara Africa Rock Drawings ca. 3117 BC
2. africa.tif - Survey of Africa ca. 3117 BC
3. ifrinammar.gif - Morocco Rif Nador Asfou Ifri N'Ammar Cave Rock Drawings
4. nabta.gif - Nabta Egypt Taurus Pleiades Vernal Equinox 3117 BC

B. AKskymap - Sky map (planisphere) 3000 BC for astronomical orientation
1. akskymap.tif - AKskymap based on Heifetz Historical Planisphere - set at 3000 BC (You generally should have QuickTime installed as a .tif viewer to see .tif files)

C. Anatolia (today Turkey) - Megaliths Rock Art Wall Paintings
1. Catal Huyuk - Anatolian planisphere
- catalhuy.gif - Catal Huyuk Shrine VI.A.66 skymap

D. Ancient Britain - Megaliths, Stones, Cairns
1. astrgeom.tif - UK Megalithic Astronomical Survey System
2. ayrarran.gif - Ayr - Arran - Glasgow - Dumfries - Galloway - Kintyre
3. ayrarran.tif - Ayr - Arran - Glasgow - Dumfries - Galloway - Kintyre
4. barclod.tif - Barclodiad y Gawres - The Globe Stone, Africa = Apron
5. borrowst.tif - Borrowstown Rig Lauder Precession Correction Taurus Orion Perseus
6. bouar.tif - Bouar - Center of Africa - Megaliths 3117 BC - Central African Republic
7. breastpl.gif - Stonehenge Breastplate of the High Priest
8. breastpl.tif - Stonehenge Breastplate of the High Priest
9. brimble.tif - Somerset Brimble Pit Swallet polished axe Milky Way - large version
10. brimble2.tif - Somerset Brimble Pit Swallet polished axe Milky Way - small version
11. brimham.tif - Brimham - Nearby Hippopotamus Elephant Sone - Indus
l2. cairnbaa.gif - Cairn Baan - Argo Vela Carina Antlia
13. cairnbaa.tif - Cairn Baan - Argo Vela Carina Antlia
14. calderst.tif - Calderstones - Allerton, Liverpool - stars between Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquila and Pavo
16. carnbrae.tif - Carn Brae Redruth Hydra Summer Solstice 3117 BC
17. cepheus1.gif - Cepheus - Scotland - Astronomy - Origins
18. cepheus1.tif - Cepheus - Scotland - Astronomy - Origins
19. chadling.tif - Chadlington Hawk Stone - Wing of Cygnus
20. clavadpr.jpg - Clava - Ursa Major cupmarked stone
21. clavadrg.gif - Clava - The Dragon Head Stone
22. clavadrg.jpg - Clava - jpg - Dragon Head Stone
23. clavamap.tif - Balnuaran of Clava Cairns Pole Star North Ecliptic Pole Calculation by Deneb Vega Polaris
24. clavcntr.gif - Clava - Inverness - Astronomy - Origins
25. clavcntr.tif - Clava - Inverness - Astronomy - Origins
26. coldrum.tif - Coldrum Catigern ARA Jullieberries NORMA
27. conger.tif - Edinburgh Conger Eel Gogar Stone
28. creswel2.tif - Creswell Crags Ground Plan and Sky Map
29. creswell.tif - Creswell Crags - Aerial View - Star Canyon between Aquila and Capricorn
30. denbury1.tif - Devon - Denbury - England - 1 - Sky Map Inscribed on the Ground
31. denbury2.tif - Devon - Denbury - England - 2 - Sky Map Inscribed on the Ground
32. drumelzr.tif - Merlin's Stone Drumelzier Haugh Taurus Orion
33. dunstabl.tif - Maiden Bower Veil & Lacework Nebula NGC6960 Royston
34. eelsseal.tif - Pisces Eels Tollis Longformacus Galashiels
35. enaltair.tif - England Arbor Low Henge - Altair - Planisphere
36. enaquila.tif - England Peak District - Neolithic Sites - Aquila
37. engaquil.tif - England Peak District - Bird Megaliths - Aquila
38. engaries.tif - English Tumuli Barrows - Aries to Aquarius
39. engbdfrd.tif - Maiden Bower Therfield Heath overview
40. engcntr.tif - Megaliths - Astronomy - Heaven's Center England
41. enggemin.tif - Somerset Gemini Swallets - General Overview
42. engseast.tif - English Tumuli Barrows - Aquarius to Southern Triangle
43. engstnhg.tif - Megaliths - Astronomy - Stonehenge - Pleiades - Silbury Hill - Perseus - England
44. engswest.gif - SW England Tumuli Barrows Cornwall Centaurus Crux Circinus Musca Apus 8 KB
45. engswest.tif - SW England Tumuli Barrows Cornwall Centaurus Crux Circinus Musca Apus
46. engvirgo.tif - Bodmin Moor Devon Virgo Boötes Hydra - Overview
47. engwhole.tif - England - Overview Map - Megaliths - Astronomy
48. enstone.tif - Hoar Stones Enstone Oxfordshire Cepheus
49. eridanu2.gif - Drumtroddan - Stone of Eridanus
50. eridanu2.tif - Drumtroddan - Stone of Eridanus
51. eridcomp.gif - Drumtroddan - Original and Interpretation
52. eridcomp.tif - Drumtroddan - Original and Decipherment
53. glasghu1.gif - Glasgow "Glas Ghu Stone" - as is
54. glasghu2.gif - Glasgow "Glas Ghu Stone" - explained
55. glassary.gif - Kilmichael Glassary Sky Planisphere 3117 BC
56. glassary.tif - Kilmichael Glassary Sky Planisphere 3117 BC
57. harewood.tif - Harewood Spoffarth Stones - kappa and zeta Pavo
58. heelstn2.gif - Heel Stone 2 Stonehenge Right Side shows Ursa Major Leo Cancer Hydra
59. heelstone.gif - Heel Stone 1 Stonehenge Left Side shows Gemini Orion
60. hurlers.tif - Hurlers - Proof of Precession - an English Nazca
61. hydra2.gif - Ballymeanoch Kilmartin - Hydra Stones
62. hydra2.tif - Ballymeanoch Kilmartin - Hydra Stones
63. irminsul.tif - Somerset Brimble Pit Swallet Gemini Irminsul Ballakelly
64. justicer.tif - Justice Stone Hopetown Wood Queensferry Edinburgh
65. kentcav1.tif - Kents Cavern - Cave of Inscriptions - King Arthur's Table - Sky Map
66. kentcave.tif - KENTS CAVERN - plan - map of the World and the Heavens - better than Escher
67. kingston.tif - Kings Stone Rollright Stones Deneb in Cygnus
68. knowlton.tif - Knowlton Rings - Taurus and the Hyades - also show Pleiades
69. lanyon.tif - Lanyon Quoit - Centaurus - Megalith Builders
70. laserfoto1.gif - Large Carved Figures at Stonehenge 1
71. laserfoto2.gif - Large Carved Figures at Stonehenge 2
72. lewes2.tif - Lewes, England - Astronomy as Topography of the Region
73. lillburn.gif - Northumberland Rock Drawing - Large Magellanic Cloud Volans Reticulum Carina Horologium Chamaeleon
74. lillburn.tif - Northumberland Rock Drawing - Large Magellanic Cloud Volans Reticulum Carina Horologium Chamaeleon
75. macbeth.gif - Macbeth Stone - Tayside - Perseus
76. macbeth.tif - Macbeth Stone - Tayside - Perseus
77. machrie.tif - Machrie, Arran, Scotland - Whales
78. magellan.tif - Magellanic Cloud - Large - LMC - Lamorna
79. mannan.gif - Mannan Stone Clackmannanshire Milky Way Perseus
80. mannan.tif - Mannan Stone Clackmannanshire Milky Way Perseus
81. mayburg2.tif - Mayburgh Henge Stone (back) UK Center Dorado LMC Pole Star
82. mayburgh.tif - Mayburgh Henge Stone (front) UK Center Dorado LMC Pole Star
83. melrose.tif - Melrose Stone in Shape of Cetus
84. menantol.tif - Men-an-Tol Cornwall Penwith Centaurus Cord of the Fish
85. merlincv.tif - Kents Cavern (Merlin's Cavern - King Arthur's Round Table) - Torquay Torbay - Map of Survey of Africa ca. 3117 BC
86. minchin1.tif - Minchinhampton Long Stone Center of Heaven
87. minions.tif - Minions - Perseus at the Hurlers north circle
88. mulfra.tif - Mulfra Quoit - Centaurus and Lupus
89. niddrie.tif - Niddrie House Stone Edinburgh Border End Ram Stone
90. oldmeldrum.gif - Oldmeldrum Scotland - Cepheus - Hamlet's Mill
91. oldmeldrum.tif - Oldmeldrum Scotland - Cepheus - Hamlet's Mill
92. pateley.tif - Pately Fertility Stone - Indus
93. paviland.gif - Paviland Cave - Serpens Caput - South Wales
94. paviland.tif - Paviland Cave - Serpens Caput - South Wales
95. pedens.tif - Ram's Head Peden's Pulpit Stone Gameshope Tweedsmuir
96. peebles.tif - White Stone Peebles Circle of Precession 3117 BC Mizar
97. pentreif.tif - Pentre Ifan - Carreg Samson - Scorpio South Wales
98. perseus.gif - Perth - Edinburgh - Megaliths - Astronomy
99. perseus.tif - Perth - Edinburgh - Megaliths -Astronomy
100. phoenix.gif - Lordenshaws - Northumberland
101. pipers.tif - Pipers at The Hurlers - end stars Lacerta
102. pitcur.gif - Pitcur Souterrain - Collace Perthshire
103. pitcur.tif - Pitcur Souterrain - Collace Perthshire
104. pleiadbw.tif - Winterbourne Stoke Barrows - Pleiades
105. pleiades.jpg - Photographs of the Pleiades
106. ratho.tif - Ratho Edinburgh Stone of Aries Tormain Hill
107. rollntry.tif - Rollright Stones - Entrance Stones - Draco Vega Lyra
108. rombalds.tif - Rombalds Moor - Ilkley - Harrogate - Pavo - Indus
109. roughtor.tif - Rough Tor Stowe's Pound Stripple Stones White Barrow Corringdon Ball - Corona Boralis Virgo Boötes Pyxis
110. rudstone.tif - Rudston Stone Yorkshire Hydrus Bird of Paradise Duggleby Howe Gypsey Race
111. sa213029.gif Stonehenge Sarsens 2, 1, 30, 29
112. sagitar1.gif - Orkneys Astronomy Origins
113. sagitar1.tif - Orkneys Astronomy Origins
114. sar76543.gif - Stonehenge Sarsens 7, 6, 5, 4, 3
115. sarb2829.gif - Stonehenge Sarsens 28 and 29 backsides
116. sars2122.gif - Stonehenge Sarsens 21 and 22
117. sars2728.gif - Stonehenge Sarsens 27 and 28
118. sarsen3.gif - Stonehenge Sarsen 3 front and back
119. sarsen4.gif - Stonehenge Sarsen 4 close-up of face
120. scorpsky.gif - Scotland West Megaliths - Scorpio, Centaurus, Hydra
121. scorpsky.tif - Scotland West Megaliths - Scorpio, Centaurus, Hydra
122. scotsky1.tif - Scotland Hermetic Astronomy Overview
123. scotskys.gif - Scotland Hermetic Astronomy Overview
124. scotskys.tif - Scotland Hermetic Astronomy Overview
125. shetland.gif - Shetlands - Pavo - Octans - Hydra
126. shetland.tif - Shetlands - Pavo - Octans - Hydra
127. silbury2.tif - Silbury Hill - Map of the Heavens - Megalithic Fertility Function
128. skyeeyre.gif - Skye - Stone of Eyre - Lupus Centaurus
129. skyeeyre.tif - Skye - Stone of Eyre - Lupus Centaurus
130. slaughst.gif - Slaughter Stone Stonehenge shows Ursa Minor (perhaps also Ursa Major)
131. snowden.tif - Snowden Carr - Skull Stone Large Magellanic Cloud Tree Stone Bird of Paradise
132. spinners.tif - Spinster's Rock (correctly Spinner's Rock) - Cancer - Bobbin Spindle Loom
133. stnhgbr2.jpg - Stonehenge Barrows as Planisphere
134. stonehengecircle.gif - Stonehenge Ground Plan - Interpretation with Stellar Constellations
135. stonehengecircles.gif - Stonehenge Ground Plan - Stone Circles - Astronomical Significance Identified
136. stonehengestone3.gif - Stonehenge Stone 3 Axes mark Stars between Leo Major and Big Dipper
137. stonehengestone4.gif - Stonehenge Stone 4 Axes mark the Stars of Leo
138. stonehengestone53.gif - Stonehenge Stone 53 axes dagger Scorpio back stars
139. stoneyli.tif - Stoney Littleton - at hole in Wansdyke - Spring Equinox 3117 BC
140. stonview.gif - Stonehenge Megaliths - Overview of Assigned Constellations
141. sunhoney.gif - Sunhoney Recumbent Stone - Cepheus
142. sunhoney2.gif - Sun Honey Recumbent Stone is Cepheus
143. sunhoney2.tif - Sun Honey Recumbent Stone is Cepheus
144. thornbo2.tif - Thornborough Circles Ripon Yorkshire Celestial Meridian Eqinoxes North South Celestial Poles
145. thornbor.tif - Thornborough Circles Ripon Yorkshire Stars Represented Hydrus Triangulum Australis South Pole
146. tinkins.tif - Parc Cwm Tinkinswood Arthur's Stone Maen Ceti Serpens Caput Ophiuchus
147. tordroch.gif - Tordarroch - epsilon-Ursa-Major
148. trefig.tif - Trefignath - North Wales - Sagittarius
149. tregiff.gif - Tregiffian Cornwall Crux Southern Cross Hole in Milky Way
150. tregiff.tif - Tregiffian Cornwall Crux Southern Cross Hole in Milky Way
151. trelew.tif - Cornwall Carina - Canopus Trelew Blind Fiddler False Cross
152. trellack.tif - Trellack - Harold's Stones - Ursa Major
153. trethevy.tif - Trethevy Quoit Hydra Leo - Virgo to Regulus
154. tril5354.gif - Stonehenge Trilithons 53 and 54
155. tril5758.gif - Trilithon 57 (Cassiopeia Andromeda) Trilithon 58 (Triangulum, Aries) Lentil (Cepheus, Ursa Major)
156. trilit56.gif - Stonehenge Trilithon 56
157. tuilyies.gif - Tuilyies - Fife - Pleiades
158. tuilyies.tif - Tuilyies - Fife - Pleiades
159. walesagt.tif - Wales north- Isle of Man - Liverpool - Sagittarius Corona Australis
160. walescrp.tif - Wales south Paviland - Scorpio Serpens Caput Ophiuchus Merlin Aesculapius
161. wayland1.tif - Megaliths - Astronomy - Wayland's Smithy - Andromeda - Pegasus - England
162. weetwood.gif - Northumberland Rock Drawing - Centaurus Crux Musca Triangulum Australe
163. weetwood.tif - Northumberland Rock Drawing - Centaurus Crux Musca Triangulum Australe
164. woodheng.gif - Woodhenge Geometry & Circles
165. wookey.tif - Somerset Wookey Caves Gough's Cave Slitter
166. zennor.tif - Zennor Quoit Cornwall Penwith Centaurus

E. Ancient Ireland - Megaliths, Stones, Cairns
1. aghade.gif - Carlow County Aghade Capstone Pleiades Eels
2. aghade.tif - Carlow County Aghade Capstone Pleiades Eels
3. aillnamireann.gif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Cassiopeia Cepheus
4- aillnamireann.tif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Cassiopeia Cepheus
5. ardmore.gif - Donegal County Ardmore Stone Scorpio
6. ardmore.tif - Donegal County Ardmore Stone Scorpio
7. ardristan.gif - Carlow County - Ardristan - Pleiades
8. ardristan.tif - Carlow County - Ardristan - Pleiades
9. armagh.gif - Armagh Annaghmare Aquila
10. armagh.tif - Armagh Annaghmare Aquila
11. aughnacliff.gif - County Longford Aughnacliffe Ursa Minor
12. aughnacliff.tif - County Longford Aughnacliffe Ursa Minor
13. ballybane.gif - County Cork Ballybane False Cross Vela Carina
14. ballybane.tif - County Cork Ballybane False Cross Vela Carina
15. ballyboher.gif - County Wexford Ballyboher Cetus
16. ballyboher.tif - County Wexford Ballyboher Cetus
17. ballyedmonduff.gif - County Dublin Balleyedmonduff Stone Andromeda
18. ballyedmonduff.tif - County Dublin Balleyedmonduff Stone Andromeda
19. ballyedmonduff2.gif - Ballyedmonduff County Dublin Planisphere - left of Andromeda Stone
20. ballyedmonduff2.tif - Ballyedmonduff County Dublin Planisphere - left of Andromeda Stone
21. ballyedmonduff3.gif - Ballyedmonduff County Dublin Planisphere - right of Andromeda Stone
22. ballyedmonduff3.tif - Ballyedmonduff County Dublin Planisphere - right of Andromeda Stone
23. ballykeel.gif - County Armagh Ballykeel Capstone Aquila
24. ballykeel.tif - County Armagh Ballykeel Capstone Aquila
25. ballylowra.gif - Kilkenny County Ballylowra Taurus 8 KB
26. ballylowra.tif - Kilkenny County Ballylowra Taurus
27. ballynacloghy.gif - County Galway Ballynacloghy Hydra Leo
28. ballynacloghy.tif - County Galway Ballynacloghy Hydra Leo
29. ballyvatheen.gif - County Kilkenny Ballyvatheen Taurus
30. ballyvatheen.tif - County Kilkenny Ballyvatheen Taurus
31. baltynanima.gif - Baltynanima Togher Aries Triangulum Cupmarked Stone
32. baltynanima.tif - Baltynanima Togher Aries Triangulum Cupmarked Stone
33. barneslo.gif - Barnes Lower, County Donegal, Ancient Ireland, Ophiuchus and Serpens Caput
34. barnmeen.gif - Down County Barnmeen Capricorn Aquarius
35. barnmeen.tif - Down County Barnmeen Capricorn Aquarius
36. beaghmore.gif - Beaghmore County Tyrone Ophiuchus Scorpio Serpens Caput
37. beaghmore.tif - Beaghmore County Tyrone Ophiuchus Scorpio Serpens Caput
38. beaghmore2.gif - County Tyrone Megalithic Sites Map Plan at Beaghmore
39. beaghmore2.tif - County Tyrone Megalithic Sites Map Plan at Beaghmore
40. boheh.gif - County Mayo Westport Boheh Centaurus Crux
41. boheh.tif - County Mayo Westport Boheh Centaurus Crux
42. burren.gif - County Cavan Burren Draco Heaven's Serpent
43. burren.tif - County Cavan Burren Draco Heaven's Serpent
44 carrowkeel.gif - Carrowkeel Cairn G Sligo Summer Solstice Eclipse 2430 BC
45. carrowkeel.tif - Carrowkeel Cairn G Sligo Summer Solstice Eclipse 2430 BC
46. catstone.gif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Back View
47. catstone.tif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Back View
48. cavandrc.gif - Burren County Cavan Ireland Stars of Draco
49. ceidefields.gif - Mayo County Ceide Fields Corvus Crater Hydra end Centaurus
50. ceidefields.tif - Mayo County Ceide Fields Corvus Crater Hydra end Centaurus
51. cloghstuckagh.gif - County West Meath Cloghstuckagh Moyvoughly Camelopardalis
52. cloghstuckagh.tif - County West Meath Cloghstuckagh Moyvoughly Camelopardalis
53. clonkeen.gif - Offaly Laois Counties Clonkeen Gemini Auriga
54. clonkeen.tif - Offaly Laois Counties Clonkeen Gemini Auriga
55. coumaraglin.gif - County Waterford Coumaraglin Caelum Eridanus
56. coumaraglin.tif - County Waterford Coumaraglin Caelum Eridanus
57. creevykeel.gif - County Sligo Creevykeel Virgo Court Circle
58. creevykeel.tif - County Sligo Creevykeel Virgo Court Circle
59. creevykeel2.gif - County Sligo Creevykeel Virgo Boötes
60. creevykeel2.tif - County Sligo Creevykeel Virgo Boötes
61. drumnart.gif - County Monaghan Drumnart Cygnus
62. drumnart.tif - County Monaghan Drumnart Cygnus
63. fenaghbeg.gif - County Leitrim Fenagh Beg Capsone Boötes
64. fenaghbeg.tif - County Leitrim Fenagh Beg Capsone Boötes
65. glencullen.gif - Glencullen Quartzite Megalith County Dublin Andromeda
66. glencullen.tif - Glencullen Quartzite Megalith County Dublin Andromeda
67. gleninsheen.gif - Gleninsheen County Clare Cancer Spinning Wheel
68. gleninsheen.tif - Gleninsheen County Clare Cancer Spinning Wheel
69. holestone.gif - County Antrim Holestone Crag Sagittarius
70. holestone.tif - County Antrim Holestone Crag Sagittarius
71. ireland.gif - Ireland Map Decipherment Megaliths Megalithic Sites
72. ireland.tif - Ireland Map Decipherment Megaliths Megalithic Sites
73. killadeas.gif - County Fermanagh Killadeas Hercules
74. killadeas.tif - County Fermanagh Killadeas Hercules
75. killadeas2.gif - County Fermanagh Killadeas The Two Artists
76. killadeas2.tif - County Fermanagh Killadeas The Two Artists
77. knockeen.gif - County Waterford Knockeen Eridanus
78. knockeen.tif - County Waterford Knockeen Eridanus
79. knowth.gif - Knowth North Ecliptic Pole and Stars of Draco as Mounds
80. knowth.tif - Knowth North Ecliptic Pole and Stars of Draco as Mounds
81. knowthequinoxevent.gif - Knowth Equinox Line Perseus Andromeda
82. knowthkerb15.gif - Knowth Kerbstone Orion Scorpio Celestial Ecliptic Pole Vega Solstices 3117 BC
83. liagans.gif - County Clare Kilmihil Liagans Cancer Leo Hydra
84. liagans.tif - County Clare Kilmihil Liagans Cancer Leo Hydra
85. lisbunny.gif - County Tipperary Lisbunny Orion
86. lisbunny.tif - County Tipperary Lisbunny Orion
87. loughcrew19L.gif - Loughcrew Decipherment Stone 19 Cairn L Carnbane West
88. loughgur.gif - County Limerick Lough Gur Grange Lios Milky Way Hole left of Canis Major
89. loughgur.tif - County Limerick Lough Gur Grange Lios Milky Way Hole left of Canis Major
90. milkywayend.gif - County Kerry SW Ireland compared to Milky Way End at Vela
91. milkywayend.tif - County Kerry SW Ireland compared to Milky Way End at Vela
92. mireann.gif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Front View
93. mireann.tif - County West Meath Aill na Mireann Catstone Central Stone Ireland Front View 94. mullagharoy.gif - Meath Mullagharoy North Ecliptic Celestial Poles
95. mullagharoy.tif - Meath Mullagharoy North Ecliptic Celestial Poles
96. nablaha.gif - County Kerry Derrynablaha Vela Carina
97. nablaha.tif - County Kerry Derrynablaha Vela Carina
98. newgrange.gif - Newgrange Si An Bruh North Ecliptic Pole
99. newgrange.tif - Newgrange Si An Bruh North Ecliptic Pole
100. poulnabrone.gif - Poulnabrone County Clare Cancer Spinning Wheel
101. poulnabrone.tif - Poulnabrone County Clare Cancer Spinning Wheel
102. punchestown.gif - County Kildare Punchestown Perseus
103. punchestown.tif - County Kildare Punchestown Perseus
104. rathiddy.gif - County Louth Rathiddy Lacerta
105. rathiddy.tif - County Louth Rathiddy Lacerta
106. skregg.gif - County Roscommon Skregg Ursa Major
107. skregg.tif - County Roscommon Skregg Ursa Major
108. tarahill.gif - Tara Hill Temair Lia Fail Slighe Cualann Path of Precession
109. tarahill.tif - Tara Hill Temair Lia Fail Slighe Cualann Path of Precession
110. timoney.gif - County Tipperary Timoney Orion
111. timoney.tif - County Tipperary Timoney Orion
112. tireighter.gif - County Derry Tireighter Sagittarius
113. tireighter.tif - County Derry Tireighter Sagittarius
114. tirnony.gif - Tirnony County Derry Sagittarius
115. tirnony.tif - Tirnony County Derry Sagittarius
116. turoe.gif - Turoe Stone County Galway Hydra
117. turoe.tif - Turoe Stone County Galway Hydra
118. uragh.gif - County Cork False Cross Vela Carina Uragh = Argo
119. uragh.tif - County Cork False Cross Vela Carina Uragh = Argo

F. Australia New Zealand Oceania - Megaliths of Oceania
1. ngapuhi1.gif - North New Zealand Megalithic Sites Taurus and the Hyades

G. Baltic - Latvia Lithuania Estonia - Baltic Cupmarked Stones
1. davinuupurakmens.gif - Latvia Davinu Upurakmens Offering Stone marks Deneb in Cygnus, Lyra, Aquila
2. latvianmegaliths.png - Latvia - Map of Major Megalithic Sites
3. nabala.gif - Nabala Stone of Estonia
4. sooaluse.gif - Sooaluse Stone of Estonia
5. tumala.gif - Tumala Stone of Estonia
6. viruakmn.gif - Viru Stone from Estonia

H. China - Great Wall of China and More
1. chinaaxelamaoqinghai.png - Astronomical Axe Lamaos Village Qinghai China
2. dragon.gif - Great Wall as Sky Jade Dragon
3. greatwal.gif - Great Wall of China = heavenly Milky Way
4. jiahuchina.gif - Jiahu China Tortoise Shells Deciphered as Astronomy
5. karasukiboshi.png - Japan and China Orion's Belt Karasuki Boshi 3-Pronged Plow Identifies Yuri Dolmen Taegu Korea

I. Egypt - Megaliths Pyramids Rock Art Wall Paintings Hieroglyphs

Egypt Norse Lascaux Skymap - common elements
1. medelhav.gif - Hippopotamus Hunt Palette

Egypt - Abydos City Palette - Planisphere
1. abydosp1.gif - Abydos City Palette

Egypt Sothis Sethos - Ceiling Painting - Sethos Tomb
1. sothisak.gif - Planisphere Sothis Tomb 1178 BC

Hierakonpolis Egypt - Naqada II-C Wall Painting Explained
1. gymnaqad.gif - Compare to Nazca monkey
2. naqada1.gif - Naqada Wall Painting - total view
3. naqada2.gif - Wall Painting - Left 1/4 enlarged
4. naqada3.gif - Wall Painting Left 2/4 enlarged
5. naqada4.gif - Wall Painting Right 3/4 enlarged
6. naqada5.gif - Wall Painting Right 4/4 enlarged
7. naqada9.gif - Wall Painting Explained in Full
8. orionnaq.gif - Orion and Cursa - see Nazca monkey and Tanum Man with Shield

Milky Way - Pleiades - Ennead - Creation Myth - Atum - Pesedjet
1. cosmiceg.gif - The Way to Heaven - Cosmic Egg
2. cosmiceg.tif - The Way to Heaven - Cosmic Egg

More Decipherments of Egyptian artefacts and hieroglyphs
1. cheops1.tif - Cheops Pyramid Cupmarks Shaft End
2. cheops2.gif - Cheops Pyramid Megalithic Wall Secret Chamber
3. cheops2.tif - Cheops Pyramid Megalithic Wall Secret Chamber
4. cheopslion.png - Cheops Lion Discovered on Front Face of Cheops Pyramid Coffin - not a Coffin
5. djer2.png - Decipherment of the Pharaonic Djer Tablets (wooden and ivory, from Saqqara and Abydos) as Astronomy
6. mosesfull.jpg - Moses Full Picture with Hieroglyphic Name
7. nabta.gif - Nabta Egypt Taurus Pleiades Vernal Equinox 3117 BC
8. nomesegypt.png - Nomes of Pharaonic Egypt Hermetic Origin Astronomy Above Below Ecliptic Upper Lower Egypt
9. nubianastro.png - El-Hosh Petroglyph Deciphered as Astronomy
10. pharaonicvowels.png - Hieroglyphs - Pharaonic Egyptian Vowels Deciphered
11. ramsesIII.jpg - Ramses III - The Pharaoh's Garments
12. sakkara1.gif - Oldest Egyptian Mummy's Sarcophag Deciphered as Astronomy - original photo
13. sakkara2.gif - Oldest Egyptian Mummy's Sarcophag Deciphered as Astronomy - decipherment
14. valleyofkingsgiant.png - Valley of Kings Egypt Rock Giant Natural or Man Aided Formation?

J. France - Megalithic Sites Menhirs Dolmens Cave Paintings

Channel Islands - Jersey Guernsey Megalithic Sites
1. guernsey.gif - Guernsey Channel Islands Dehus Dolmen Sagittarius
2. hoguebie1.gif - La Hogue Bie Inner Sanctum Spring Equinox 3117 BC

La Ferrassie - Astronomy in Cupmarked Stones
1. ferrasi1.gif - The "Man in the Sky"
2. ferrasi2.gif - Taurus and the Pleiades in Stone
3. ferrasi3.gif - The Man in the Sky plus Original Stone
4. ferrasi4.gif - The Center of Heaven 9100 BC

Lascaux - Lascaux Astronomy
1. lascaux0.gif - Lascaux - Astronomy - Pleiades
2. lascaux1.gif - Lascaux - Astronomy - Orion
3. lascaux2.gif - Lascaux Cave of the Dead Man Pleiades Winter Solstice 9273 BC

Other French Megalithic Sites including Carnac
1. arras.gif - Pas-de-Calais Fresnicourt Houdain Aquila Les Bonnets Arras Douai Delphinus
2. barnenez.gif - Brittany Finistère Plouézoch Barnenez Serpens Cauda Ophiuchus Aquila
3. bordeaux.gif - Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux Saint Sulpice Saint-Emilion Hydra
4. borne.gif - Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand Grande Borne Gemini Canis Minor
5. bretelliere.gif - Pays de la Loire Bretellière stars between Virgo and Serpens Caput
6. brittany.gif - Brittany Map of Decipherment of Megalithic Sites
7. burgundy.gif - Burgundy Saone-et-Loire Perseus
8. carnac.gif - Menec Stone Alignments Earthworks Deciphered - Ancient Menat
9. carnacm.gif - Carnac Decipherment Map - grey scale (if blurred, blend out some Internet Explorer menu bars until focus is clear - use right mouse click in menu bar)
10. carnacmp.gif - Carnac Decipherment Map - color (if blurred, blend out some Internet Explorer menu bars until focus is clear - use right mouse click in menu bar)
11. champdolent.gif - Brittany Ille et Vilaine Champ-Dolent Dol de Bretagne Serpens Cauda Ophiuchus Cebalrai
12. chauvet.gif - Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Ardeche Cave Wall Paintings
13. commana.gif - Brittany Finistère Commana Mougau Bihan theta-Ophiuchii
14. congyavize.gif - Champagne Ardenne Congy Cepheus Avize Lacerta
15. counozouls.gif - Languedoc Roussillon Aude Counozouls Canis Major Sirius
16. france.gif - Decipherment Map - color - Megalithic Sites Ancient France
17. francebw.gif - Decipherment Map - grey scale - Megalithic Sites Ancient France
18. gargas.gif - Gargas Caves Haute (Midi) Pyrenees, France Rock Drawing Pleiades Perseus
19. gavrinis.gif - Carnac Gavrinis Head of Hydra
20. grandmenhir.gif - Carnac Locmariaquer Le Grand Menhir Brisè Hydra
21. huelgoat.gif - Brittany Finistère Huelgoat Rouler Kerampaulven Ophiuchus
22. kercado.gif - Carnac Kercado Passage Tomb Ursa Major Ursa Minor
23. kerguntuil.gif - Kerguntuil Tregastel Perros-Guirec Serpens Caude
24. kerioned.gif - Carnac Kerioned Serpens Cauda and Ophiuchus
25. kerlescan.gif - Carnac Kerlescan Cepheus
26. kerloas.gif - Brittany Finistère Kerloas Plouarzel Saint-Renan End Stars of Scorpio
27. kermario.gif - Carnac Kermario Dolmen Ursa Major Alignments Draco
28. lanvenael.gif - Brittany Finistère Lanvénael Beuzec Pont-l'-Abbé Front Stars of Scorpio
29. lozereak.gif - Lozere - Geodetic Megalithic Node
30. maniotwo.gif - Carnac Manio II North Celestial Pole
31. menec1.gif - Measure of the Heavens made at Menec
32. mtbego.gif - French Riviera Mt. Bego Altar Rock Eridanus
33. murdebretagne.gif - Brittany Cotes-d'Armor Mur de Bretagne St. Gilles Vieux Marche Ophiuchus
34. neaufles.gif - Normandy Neaufles-Auvergny Eure Menhir Gargantua Hercules
35. odile.gif - Alsace Mont St. Odile Pagans Wall Aquarius
36. oise.gif - Picardy Oise Boubiers Fayel Cygnus
37. portsall.gif - Brittany Portsall Finistère Guiligui Stinger of Scorpio
38. pouget.gif - Languedoc Roussillon Clermont-Hérault Pouget Gallardet Lupus Columba
39. queyras.gif - Queyras Taurus Chateau-Ville-Vieille Aldebaran
40. quivire.gif - Pays de la Loire Vendée Pierre Qui Vire Virgo
41. recdelbosc.gif - Rec del Bosc, Languedoc - Planisphere ca. 1000 BC
42. riom.gif - Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand Riom Gemini
43. simandre.gif - Rhone Alps Ain Simandre-sur-Suran Pleiades
44. stbarbe.gif - Carnac St. Barbe back stars of Scorpio
45. stsamson.gif - Brittany Cotes-d'Armor Saint-Samson-sur-Rance Serpens Cauda

K. Germany - German Megalithic Sites
1. blankensee1.gif - Blankensee Lübeck South Scutum
2. denghoog.gif - Denghoog Inner Chamber Marks Central Stars of the Sky
3. externs.gif - Externsteine Megalith 1 Front Gemini Cancer Auriga Orion Taurus
4. externs0.gif - Externsteine - General View Front and Back
5. externs1.gif - Externsteine - NW of Megalith 1 Perseus Taurus Auriga Pleiades
6. externs11.gif - Externsteine - Front Megaliths Decipherment Constellations
7. externs12.gif - Externsteine - Back Megaliths Decipherment Constellations
8. externs2.gif - Externsteine Megalith 2 Front Hydra Summer Solstice 3117 BC
9. externs3.gif - Externsteine - Megalith 3 Front Leo Crater
10. externs4.gif - Externsteine - Megaliths 4&5 Front Corvus to Libra
11. externs5.gif - Externsteine - Megalith 1 Back Ophiuchus Serpens Corona Borealis Hercules
12. externs6.gif - Externsteine Megaliths 2-6 Back Aquila to Pisces
13. externs9.gif - Externsteine - Sunrise Summer Winter Solstice ca. 3117 BC
14. felsmeer1.gif - Felsenmeer Felsberg Odenwald Zwingenberg Heidelberg Planisphere
15. fulda1.gif - Fulda Lynx Haunetal-Unterstoppel Lange Steine Long Stones
16. germany3.gif - Germany Map of Megalithic Sites Deciphered
17. goldenstag1.gif - Braunschweig Elm Der Goldene Hirsch Golden Stag Cepheus
18. gollen2.gif - Gollenstein Earthworks Ground Plan
19. gollen2.jpg - Gollenstein Gollen Stone Megalith Blieskastel Germany
20. gollenstein1.jpg - Gollenstein Blieskastel Germany - large graphic
21. heidenst.gif - Schwörstadt Bad Säckingen Heidenstein Sirius Canis Major
22. helfenstein1.gif - Kassel Northwest Dörnberg Helfenstein Solstice Calculation
23. hunnenst.gif - Hunnenstein Niederdossenbach Canis Major
24. kassel1.gif - Kassel Ursa Major Riesenstein Hünstein Wodanstein Züschen
25. kellersteine1.gif - Kellersteine Visbek Ophiuchus Serpens
26. kleinenkneten.gif - Kleinenkneten Wildeshausen Serpens Caput
27. kyhna1.gif - Kyhna Leipzig Delitzsch Perseus Pleiades
28. litziger1.gif - Litziger Lay Traben-Trarbach Rock Carvings on Riverside Slopes
29. loreley.png Loreley Cliff in Germany is Coma Berenices in the Ancient Megalithic Survey by Astronomy
30. marburg1.gif - Marburg Kirchhain Leo Minor Der Lange Stein The Long Stone
31. mecklenburg.gif - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Cygnus Aquila Lyra
32. montroyal1.gif - Mont Royal Red Goddess Traben-Trarbach Leo gamma-Leonis
33. nebradiscsolareclipse16april1699BC.png - Nebra Disc Deciphered as Solar Eclipse April 16 1699 BC
34. northeim1.gif - Grossenrode Northeim Göttingen Niedersachsen Ursa Minor
35. osterode.tif - Lichtensteinhöhle (Lichtenstein Cave) Osterode Dorste Sky Map
36. rhineman.tif - Magdalenian Planisphere Gönnersdorf Neuwied Andernach Rhine
37. saulheim3.gif - Saulheim Obersaulheim Gemini Woman and Child
38, saulheim4.gif - Saulheim Obersaulheim Gemini - shows flanking stars Orion Cancer
39. schalenstein.gif - Schalenstein Bunsoh Back Stars of Scorpio
40. siebenst1.gif - Siebensteinhäuser Walsrode Fallingbostel Draco North Ecliptic Pole
41. spellen2.gif - Spellenstein Saarland Rentrisch St. Ingbert Hydra
42. stromberg2.gif - Stromberg Schindeldorf between Mainz & Koblenz Cancer
43. sylt.gif - Dengoog Sylt Front Stars Scorpio
44. süntelstein.gif - Süntelstein Vehrte Osterkoppel Corona Borealis
45. trittenheim1.gif - Trittenheim Moselle River Valley
46. visbek1.gif - Visbek Kleinenkneten Grossenkneten Ophiuchus Serpens Caput
47. visbeker.gif - Visbeker Bräutigam (Groom) Ophiuchus Serpens
48. waldhusen1.gif - Waldhusen Lübeck North Sagittarius
49. wenningstedt.gif - Denghoog Sylt entrance points to stars opposite

L. Greece - Megalithic Sites
1. geodetic1.gif - Ancient Geodetic World Measure
2. mycenae1.gif - Mycenae Lion Gate Cancer Leo Summer Solstice ca. 1500 BC
3. rhodes1.gif - Cutting the Gordian Knot

M. Holy Land - Decipherment of the Megaliths of the Holy Land
1. holyland18thdynasty.png - Holy Land Ruled Pharaohs 18th Dynasty
2. megalithsoftheholyland.gif - Astronomical Decipherment of the Megaliths of the Holy Land
3. megalithsoftheholyland.png - Astronomical Decipherment of the Megaliths of the Holy Land
4. tallalumayri.png - Megaliths of Tall al-Umayri, Madaba Plains, Deciphered

N. Italy - Italian Megalithic Sites
1. boeli.tif - Sardinia - Mamoiada Boeli Sa Perda Pinta Megalith - Middle of Heaven
2. calagon.gif - Cala Gonone Sardinia Front Stone of Planisphere Confronto Di Facce
3. calagon.tif - Cala Gonone Sardinia Front Stone of Planisphere Confronto Di Facce
4. calagono.gif - Cala Gonone Cupmarks Ursa Minor
5. calagono.tif - Cala Gonone Cupmarks Ursa Minor
6 cavernadellalunaak.gif - Planisphere Grotto N Caverna Della Luna Cambara Italy
7. cavernadellalunaak.tif - Planisphere Grotto N Caverna Della Luna Cambara Italy
8. combara5.gif - Combara Italy Cupmarks Taurus Aldebaran Hyades
9. combara5.tif - Combara Italy Cupmarks Taurus Aldebaran Hyades
10. confrontodifacce.gif - Cala Gonone Sardinia Planisphere Confronto Di Facce
11. confrontodifacce.tif - Cala Gonone Sardinia Planisphere Confronto Di Facce
12. grotton.gif - Grotto N Combara Italy Planisphere - speculative (!)
13. grottoN.tif - Grotto N Combara Italy Planisphere - speculative (!)
14. italy.gif - Italy Map of Megalithic Sites plus Sardinia Malta Gozo Corsica
15. montelongu2.gif - Dolmen di Monte Lungo Sardinia Copertura Con Canali Coli World Map
16. montelongu2.tif - Dolmen di Monte Lungo Sardinia Copertura Con Canali Coli World Map
17. montessu.tif - Sardinia - Montessu - Villaperuccio - Tomba Delle Spirali - Taurus Pleiades
18. pietraconcoppelle.gif - Pietra Con Coppelle Combara Planisphere
19. pietraconcoppelle.tif - Pietra Con Coppelle Combara Planisphere
20. pietracoppellataak2.gif - Pietra Coppellata Combara Italy Cassiopeia Cepheus
21. pietracoppellataak2.tif - Pietra Coppellata Combara Italy Cassiopeia Cepheus
22. pignone1.gif - Pignone, Italy, Milky Way to the right of Cassiopeia
23. pignone1.tif - Pignone, Italy, Milky Way to the right of Cassiopeia
24. tavaron2.gif - Tavarone 2 - Lunigiana - Cassiopeia etc. as Map of Europe North America
25. tavaron2.tif - Tavarone 2 - Lunigiana - Cassiopeia etc. Map of Europe North America
26. tavarone.gif - Tavarone 1 - Lunigiana Aulla near La Spezia - Cepheus Cassiopeia Cygnus Pegasus Pisces Aries Triangulum Lacerta Aquarius Cetus
27. tavarone.tif - Tavarone 1 - Lunigiana Aulla near La Spezia - Cepheus Cassiopeia Cygnus Pegasus Pisces Aries Triangulum Lacerta Aquarius Cetus
28. terrazz.tif - Sardinia - Terrazzu Monolith - Cord of the Fish
29. tramonti.gif - Tramonti Stone Campiglia Liguria - Cepheus Cassiopeia
30. tramonti.tif - Tramonti Stone Campiglia Liguria - Cepheus Cassiopeia

O. Japan - Megalithic Sites and Temples of Japan Deciphered
1. asukadera.gif - Asukadera Hokoji Gangoji Cepheus Cygnus Ursa Minor
2. asukahzn.gif - Asuka Megalith showing Honshu Survey
3. asukamap.gif - Asuka Map Megaliths Temples Cepheus Cassiopeia Pole Star Astronomical Clock
4. ishibutai.gif - Ishibutai Asuka Cassiopeia Shedar Schebar
5. japanmp1.gif - Japan Map of Deciphered Megalithic Sites and Temples
6. kanayama.gif - Kanayama Megaliths Cygnus
7. karasukiboshi.png - Japan and China Orion's Belt Karasuki Boshi 3-Pronged Plow Identifies Yuri Dolmen Taegu Korea

P. Jordan - Megalithic Sites
1. tallalumayri.png - Megaliths of Tall al-Umayri, Madaba Plains, Deciphered

Q. Korea - Korean Dolmens and Megaliths
1. bangu-dae.png - Bangu-Dae Ulsan Korea Rock Drawing marks Pisces and Cetus
2. ganghwa.gif - Ganghwa Megalith Ursa Major Milky Way Other Constellations
3. karasukiboshi.png - Japan and China Orion's Belt Karasuki Boshi 3-Pronged Plow Identifies Yuri Dolmen Taegu Korea
4. yuridolmentaegu.png - Yuri Dolmen ChangRyong Taegu Korea Marks Orion's Belt

R. Malta - Malta and Gozo Temples Deciphered
1. borginnadur.gif - Malta Borg-in-Nadur Deciphered as Puppis
2. bugibba.gif - Malta Bugibba Deciphered as stars above Omicron1&2-Centauri
3. cruxcalc.gif - Gozo Ggantija Crux Hypothetical Triangluations
4. ggantija.gif - Gozo Ggantija Temple Deciphered as Crux The Southern Cross
5. ggantijawall.gif - Gozo Ggantija Temple Inner Wall
6. hagarqim.gif - Malta Hagar'Qim Deciphered as Volans
7. hypogeum.gif - Malta Hypogeum Deciphered Non-Visible stars Below Carina to the South Pole
8. italy.gif - Italy Map of Megalithic Sites plus Sardinia Malta Gozo Corsica
9. maltamap.gif - Map of Malta Sites and Corresponding Deciphered Stellar Constellations
10. mnajdra.gif - Malta Mnajdra Deciphered as Chamaeleon (but could be stars above it !)
11. skorba.gif - Malta Skorba Deciphered as Stars above and right of Musca
12. tahagrat.gif - Malta Ta'Hagrat Temple Deciphered as Musca
13. tarxien.gif - Malta Tarxien Deciphered as Carina (Argo Navis)

S. Meso-America South America - Maya Aztec Inca Nazca Sites

Nazca Figures and Lines Explained
1. hydrus.gif - Compare to Sahara Hydrus
2. nazca.gif - Nazca Peru Lines & Figures Explained
3. nazcacas.gif - Stars of Cassiopeia
4. nazcacel.gif - Crossing - Ecliptic, Celestial equator
5. nazcamky.gif - Orion - Vedic Hanuman - see Naqada gymnast
6. nazcaspd.gif - Nazca Spider - the stars of Eridanus
7. nazcawal.gif - Constellation of Cetus - the Whale

Other Meso-American Sites
1. inca.png - Cuzco Puma Machupicchu Lake Titicaca Tiahuanaco Nazca Geodetic Astronomy of Peru
2. mayamask.tif - Oxkintok - Yucatan - Maya Mask Stones are Stars of the Heavens
3. mayawall.tif - Guatemala San Bartolo Maya Wall Mural Stars from Pisces to Orion
4. mayayuc1.tif - Yucatan - Maya Temple Sites - Hydrus Pavo Triangulum Australis Apr 11, 2002 Edit Delete Cut
5. merida.tif - Geodetic Survey of America 3117 BC MAP 2
6. palenque.gif - Palenque Temple of Inscriptions Carved Stone
7. panamamegalith.gif - Panama Megalith - Marks the Ecliptic South Pole 3117 BC Ancient Survey of North and Central America
8. tikal1.gif - TIKAL Maya Hermetic City 293 AD - 819-day calibration for tropical year

T. Mesopotamia - Megaliths Rock Art Reliefs

Sargons Ship - Sargon's Heavenly Ship Explained
1. sargon01.gif - Sargon's Ship Explained
2. sargonii.gif - Sargon's Ship, Louvre

Sumerian Skymap - Sumerian Skymap Girsu Lagash
1. lagash2.gif - LAGASH Planisphere

Sumerian Planisphere - Chaldean Planisphere Explained
1. chaldea1.gif - Sumerian Planisphere Explained
2. chaldean.gif - Plansiphere - British Museum

U. North America USA Canada - Megalithic Sites Rock Art Earthworks

Canada - Petroglyphs
1. peterborough.tif - Peterborough Petroglyphs Ancient Geodetic Map of north North America by Astronomy

Utah Indians North America - Rock Drawing Planisphere
1. utahplan.gif - Newspaper Rock Planisphere

More North America and Central America Megalithic Sites

1. cahokia3.gif - Geodetic Survey of North America 3117 BC map
2. franconia.gif - Franconia Notch State Park New Hampshire Old Man of the Mountain Cepheus Decipherment plus Photograph
3. huecotanks.jpg - Hueco Tanks El Paso Texas mark Serpens Caput in ancient survey of the US by astronomy ca. 3000 BC
4. merida.tif - Geodetic Survey of America 3117 BC MAP 2
5. miamibig.tif - Miami Circle Brickell Point Florida Large Relief Constellations
6. miamihyd.tif - Miami Circle Brickell Point Florida Detailed Relief Constellations
7. miaminw.tif - Miami Circle Brickell Point Florida Details Northwest Corner Constellations
8. miamisw.tif - Miami Circle Brickell Point Florida Details Southwest Corner Constellations
9. newhampshire.gif - Franconia Notch State Park New Hampshire Old Man of the Mountain Cepheus
10. panamamegalith.gif - Panama Megalith - Marks the Ecliptic South Pole 3117 BC Ancient Survey of North America
11. peterborough.gif - Peterborough Petroglyphs Ancient Geodetic Map of north North America by Astronomy

V. Russia and Eastern Europe - Megaliths Rock Drawings Cave Paintings

Abakan, Khakassia, Russia - Valley of the Kurgans
1. abakan.png - Gate of the Vernal Equinox, Valley of the Kurgans, Abakan, Khakassia, Russia, shows North Celestial Pole, Ursa Major, Perseus

Ancient Russia - Lake Onega - Planisphere in Hermitage Museum
1. ermitage.gif - Lake Onega Planisphere - 4000 BC
2. ermitage.tif - Lake Onega Planisphere - 4000 BC

Danube Scripts Deciphered - The Origins of Writing are in Astronomical Symbols
1. danubekaro.png - Comparison of Danube Script and Karanovo Planisphere Decipherments
2. danubescript.png - Danube Script Transylvania Deciphered as Astronomical Planisphere ca. 4000 BC
3. dikilitash.png - Thracian Greek Spindle Whorl from Dikili Tash Deciphered as Astronomy ca. 3750 BC
4. karanovo.png - Karanovo Planisphere Deciphered ca. 3000 BC
5. lepenskidanube.png - Comparison of Lepenski Vir Script and Danube Script Decipherments
6. lepenskivir.png - Lepenski Vir Circular Planisphere Deciphered ca. 4000 BC

Karelia - Staraya Zalavruga - Planisphere - Pre-Pharaonic Hieroglyphs
1. staraya.gif - Staraya Zalavruga
2.staraya.tif - Staraya Zalavruga

Karelia - Vottovaara - Megaliths and Rock Drawings
1. vottovaara.png - Mount Vottovaara Karelia Russia Serpent Dolmen Represents Stars of the Heavens

Kurgan planisphere - Maikop Kurgan and Predynastic Egyptian comparison
1. maikop2.gif - Maikop Kurgan Skymap compared to Hierakonpolis wall painting

Ural Cave Paintings - Ural Mountain Cave Sky Maps
1. ignatiev.gif - Ignatievka Cave Painting

W. Scandinavia Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Iceland - Megaliths Rock Drawings

Egypt - Norse connection - Rock Drawings of Boats
1. egypnors.gif - Predynastic Egypt - Scandinavia - Boat Rock Drawings
2. egypship.gif - Naqada II Astro-Vase Predynastic Egypt
3. vasenqda.gif - Naqada I Astro-Vase - Predynastic Egypt

Tanum At Fossum Sweden - Norse Rock Drawings Explained
1. tanblack.gif - Tanum Rock Drawing - Full View
2. tanum001.gif - Rock Drawing - Left & Middle explained
3. tanum002.gif Rock Drawing - Right side explained
4. tanumaa.gif - Rock Drawing - Left Side - enlarged
5. tanumbb.gif Rock Drawing - Middle - enlarged
6. tanumcc.gif - Rock Drawing - Right side - enlarged
7. tanumdd.gif - Rock Drawing - Left and Middle enlarged
8. tanumpeg.gif - Rock Drawing - The Great Square (Pegasus)

1. tanumtop.gif - Ancient Survey of Europe and Africa

X. Writing and Ancient Scripts - Origins of Writing
1. lejciems.jpg - Latvian Textile from Lejasciems
2. ogamhitt.tif - Ogam Hittite Script Comparison by Barry Fell

Y. Reserved

Z. Reserved

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